order_countries reorders a vector of countries, returning a result useful for passing to ggplot2's scale functions' limits parameters.

  from = "iso2c",
  short = TRUE,
  variant = FALSE,
  factor = is.factor(x)



A character, factor, or numeric vector of country codes or names


Either a length-one country code from codes or a vector the same length as x by which to order x


Parameters passed on to order(), including addition vectors by which to sort, decreasing, and na.last.


Code format from which to convert. Defaults to "iso2c"; see codes for more options.


Whether to use short alternative name when available. Can be length 1 or the same length as x.


Whether to use variant alternative name when available. Can be length 1 or the same length as x.


If TRUE, returns factor instead of character vector. If not supplied, defaults to is.factor(x)


The original vector of countries, ordered according to the parameters passed. Note that factors are not releveled, but are reordered. To relevel, pass the results to levels<-()


order_countries orders a vector of countries by

  • itself converted to a country code or name if by is a code from codes to which to convert

  • a sortable vector if by is a vector of the same length as x

  • x itself if neither is supplied.

See also

To change labels of a discrete scale, pass the results of country_format() to the labels parameter.


countries <- c("FR", "CP", "UZ", "BH", "BR") order_countries(countries)
#> [1] "BH" "BR" "CP" "FR" "UZ"
order_countries(countries, "ja")
#> [1] "UZ" "CP" "BH" "BR" "FR"
order_countries(countries, rnorm(5))
#> [1] "UZ" "FR" "BH" "CP" "BR"
order_countries(countries, grepl("F", countries), 1:5, decreasing = TRUE)
#> [1] "FR" "BR" "BH" "UZ" "CP"
if (require(ggplot2, quietly = TRUE)) { df_countries <- data.frame(country = countries, y = exp(1:5)) ggplot(df_countries, aes(country, y)) + geom_col() + scale_x_discrete( limits = order_countries(df_countries$country, df_countries$y)[df_countries$y > 5], labels = country_format(to = "en-cia-local") ) }
#> Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (position_stack).