as_country_name converts a vector of standardized country codes to country names.

  to = "en",
  from = "iso2c",
  short = TRUE,
  variant = FALSE,
  factor = is.factor(x)



A character, factor, or numeric vector of country codes or names


Language code of country names desired. Defaults to "en"; see codes for more options.


Code format from which to convert. Defaults to "iso2c"; see codes for more options.


Whether to use short alternative name when available. Can be length 1 or the same length as x.


Whether to use variant alternative name when available. Can be length 1 or the same length as x.


If TRUE, returns factor instead of character vector. If not supplied, defaults to is.factor(x)


A character or factor vector of country names. Warns if new NA values are added.


as_country_name takes a character, factor, or numeric vector of country codes (or names in another standardized format) and converts them to country names in the specified format. If you are trying to standardize an existing set of names, see parse_country().

The default "en" is from Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR), which aspires to use the most customary name e.g. "Switzerland" instead of official ones, which are frequently awkward for common usage, e.g. "Swiss Confederation". CLDR also supplies names in a huge variety of languages, allowing for easy translation. Short and variant alternates are available for some countries; if not, the function will fall back to the standard form. See LICENSE file for terms of use.

Other name sets are available from

  • the UN Statistics Division(UNSD), which maintains standardized names in English, Chinese, Russian, French, Spanish, and Arabic, here named as "en_un" etc.

  • the ISO, "en_iso" and "fr_iso", and

  • the CIA World Factbook:

    • "en_cia", which include many longer official forms and shorter practical forms,

    • "en_cia_local", which includes transliterations, and

    • "en_cia_abbreviation", which includes commonly-used abbreviations.

See codes for all options, or run DT::datatable(codes) for a searchable widget.

See also

For converting standardized names to codes, use as_country_code(). For standardizing names to codes, use parse_country().


# Usable names for tough-to-standardize places as_country_name(c("US", "TW", "MM", "XK", "KR"))
#> [1] "US" "Taiwan" "Myanmar" "Kosovo" "South Korea"
# If passed a factor, will return a releveled one as_country_name(factor(c("US", "NF", "CD", "SJ")), short = FALSE, variant = TRUE)
#> [1] United States Norfolk Island Congo (DRC) #> [4] Svalbard & Jan Mayen #> Levels: Congo (DRC) Norfolk Island Svalbard & Jan Mayen United States
# Speaks a lot of languages, knows a lot of codes as_country_name(c("SAH", "PCN", "OMA", "JPN"), from = "fifa", to = "cy") # to Welsh
#> [1] "Gorllewin Sahara" "Ynysoedd Pitcairn" "Oman" #> [4] "Japan"